GOST Flameproof EX / ATEX

ATEX / Ex / Flameproof Equipment
Flameproof EX / ATEX. We offer a full range of ATEX approved Immersion, Outflow and In-Line heaters.
A K Waugh specify, source and supply a range of ATEX (ATmospheres EXplosibles) certified heating equipment, including trace, immersion, outlet and in-line heaters for use with oil, chemical and alcohol heater systems. Accessories which can be provided include control panels, thermostats, valves etc., as required.
Terms such as “Ex”, Ex’d'”, “Flameproof” or “Explosion proof” are commonly used ways also used to describe the relevant equipment, as well as for example : HAZLOC (USA Standard) GOST (Russian Standard), IEC Ex (most of ROW)
Ex / ATEX / GOST Flameproof Equipment
Regardless of the descriptive term used, the type of equipment is designed for use if “a hazard is identified in the workplace due to the presence of flammable gasses, dust or vapours arising from liquids, which may give rise to an explosion”.
Details are provided for the UK by the Health and Safety Executive at : https://www.hse.gov.uk/fireandexplosion/atex.htm
A useful wallchart, courtesy of SGS, can be found here : https://www.sgs.co.uk/-/media/local/uk/documents/posters/bas-ws-003-sgs-crs-atex-and-dsear-guidance-wallchart-a2-en-18-02.pdf?la=en-gb
As every piece of equipment is unique to the situation it is working within, to determine the correct specification for any heater we require the following data as a minimum :
Internal working conditions : heater type, fluid type, operating temperatures
External working conditions : gas type(s), dust, vapours, ambient temperatures

The ATEX Directive requires that an approved device is marked with the symbol “Ex” as shown. For the USA and other countries the “UL” mark is normally seen.
Zones 0 or 20 are usually only found inside equipment, and personnel are not normally present in these conditions. As described above, the Categories are divided into Gas (G) and Dust (D), Gas and Dust may also be present simultaneously (G/D).
The ATEX Directive also enquiries that the machine is marked with the symbol EX in a yellow hexagon.

Additional information will be provided on the equipment nameplate designating the conditions for which the equipment was designed.
Classification and Certification
classification and certification of equipment for hazardous locations are based on what is known as the Hazloc Directive
classification and certification of equipment for hazardous locations are based on what is known as the Hazloc Directive
ATEX Immersion

Above, typical flanged ATEX rated immersion heater. Below, in service.
ATEX 435kW in-line heaters converted to full compliance.

ATEX Immersion - Immersion heaters fitted to an alcohol distilling tank

ATEX In-Line Heater installed to heat water storage tank at small UK oilfield.